Heading into the first eviction, HOH Miesha Tate had just put Mirai Nagasu and Carson Kressley on the chopping block. While Mirai was the true target (Mirai had opened her mouth to Teddi about Miesha’s initial plans to try to send Teddi home), Miesha assured Carson that he was just a pawn.
However, with the Power of Veto competition still needing to take place and the curse of the Gala Gift looming overhead, truly anything could happen. So, what went down?
After Carson won the Power of Veto, he obviously pulled himself off the block, leaving Mirai left. Carson’s power made it clear to Miesha and her co-conspirator Todrick Hall that Carson needed to be taken down a few pegs. To do so, Miesha ultimately replaced Carson by nominating his “no. 1 ally,” Teddi Mellencamp.
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Source: Maharo News