Prominent Chicago native and real estate investor Thomas B. Bryan founded the Graceland Cemetery in 1860 mere blocks from where Wrigley Field stands today. Thomas’ nephew, Bryan Lathrop, was a passionate nature conservationist, and while he was president of the cemetery, he worked hard to enhance its natural beauty. The cemetery is home to a reflecting lake, unique architecture, art, and of course, a ghost or two.
The tomb of Ludwig Wolff, which was built into a mound, is a popular place to stop on any tour of the cemetery. According to legend, Ludwig was so terrified of being buried alive he had a vent complete with a ventilation system installed atop the tomb. The ventilation system included bells and whistles so people could hear him if he needed to break free. Residents of the apartment building across the street often speak of seeing the ghost of his dog pacing back and forth in front of the tomb.
Get Ghosted on Purpose With These Cemetery Tours Near You
Source: Maharo News