According to Screen Rant, the animation for Way of the Househusband was decided on by the anime’s producer. In an interview with Natalie, the show’s director, Kon Chiaki, said that it was meant to look like a manga panel or like something that would be seen in a manga or a comic book. This way, the humor and the voice acting are what the audience focuses on, not the animation.
In fact, the article goes on to say that Way of the Househusband was never meant to be the kind of highly detailed anime that some fans are used to. Of course, when you watch it, there are some closeups of characters that have lots of detail meant to convey expressions. A lot of anime uses this as a tool. But overall, it’s pretty flat in comparison to other Netflix originals.
Screen Rant also points out that the creator of Way of the Househusband, Kousuke Oono, likes the animation. Its timing is used as a comedic tool for deadpans and that’s what he was originally going for when he made it.
You can watch Way of the Househusband on Netflix now.
Anime Fans Aren’t Loving ‘Way of the Househusband’s’ Animation Style
Source: Maharo News