All of the Guns That Steven Rinella Uses on ‘MeatEater’ Share a Common Trait

If you don’t think that big game hunting can equal big streaming/viewership numbers in entertainment, then you’re wrong. Take a look at Duck Dynasty, a show that became so popular that Walmarts all over the country were selling blankets with Robertson family members plastered all over them.

What gun does Steven Rinella use in his hunting expeditions?

That depends on the type of game he’s hunting and probably the mood that he’s in. Just like any vocation, there’s a proper tool for every scenario. A great barber switches it up between clippers, razors, scissors, and heck, even weird head waxing solutions in order to do their jobs properly. Steven’s no different.

While Rinella doesn’t commit to just any single weapon in his series, all of the guns that he employs in his hunts share a singular trait. They’re all left-hand action rifles. This means that the bolt meant for loading/ejecting cartridges are on the left-hand side of the rifle.

Rinella has been seen using a Weatherby Mark V Meateater Edition Rifle, a Savage Arms 110, a Custom Carolina, a Weaver Rifle (no relation to Dusty Rhodes’ Weaver lock), and a CZ model 452 that’s primarily used when he hunts small game.

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But there’s a lot more to hunting gear than just guns.

If you’ve ever gone hunting or sat through conversations with your father-in-law about trips into the great outdoors, then you’ll know that every hunter needs a set of gear to help them in their quest to track down prey.

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Rinella has compiled a list of his preferred hunting equipment and sure, some of it might be paid advertisements, but from the looks of the gear, it’s all pretty cool.

For example, the Seek Outside tents that he stays in when he’s on a marathon hunt have been praised for being light and easy to set up while simultaneously being durable enough to withstand the elements.

Then there’s the FHF Bino Harness, which has been meticulously crafted to comfortably fit around your body so you can have easy access to your binoculars, secondary weapon, or that pack of Sour Patch Kids you want to grab in a jiffy while you’re tracking down a chupacabra. Or you know, a deer, which is way less cool but hey, do you.

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Rinella also expressed a fondness for Outdoorsman Tripods. Of course, a hunter’s only as good as the boots that he’s wearing, and if you venture out into anywhere with rough, wet, or less-than-ideal terrain, then you’ll probably notice that all of the locals invest in one brand and one brand only: XtraTuf boots. Anyone who’s ever visited Alaska will already know the deal.

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For gloves, Steven turns to Showa Atlas’ rubber offerings, and since you don’t want to be lugging around a bunch of water but don’t want to die of dysentery while out exploring Mother Nature’s vast offerings, you should pack a water purifier. He recommends SteriPEN’s. The crew behind the show also praises glow-in-the-dark Nalgene water bottles so you can easily find them when you’re fumbling for a drink in a tent at night.

You can also pack a “bladder” for more water during grueling hunts. The MSR Dromedary is one that the MeatEater crew seems to love. And since you’ll want your hands free, headlamps will make your hunting experience, especially during the wee hours of the morning much easier. The crew recommends the Black Diamond ReVolt for that.

MeatEater is now streaming on Netflix.

All of the Guns That Steven Rinella Uses on ‘MeatEater’ Share a Common Trait
Source: Maharo News

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